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Adverse Childhood Experiences
Downloadable Fillable Questionaire for Adults The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Questionnaire is a tool used to assess the impact of...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Releasing Anxious Control
Seeking control over yourself, other people, and your environment is a form of anxiety.
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Starting a Therapy Journal
When you start your depth therapy sessions, I recommend keeping a dedicated therapy journal.
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Focusing Journal
"Most traditional methods of working on oneself are mostly pain-centered. People get to repeat over and over their painful emotions without
Shelley Klammer
7 min read

Working With Emotional Triggers
The Activated Emotional Pain Body According to spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, the pain body is a mass of accumulated negative energy...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Six Stages of Healing Core Wounds
Typically, the healing of a core wound starts with a problem in your relationships, work, or family.
Shelley Klammer
5 min read

Healing Internalized Misogyny
"Because being female places us in a position of less power in our historically patriarchal world, we’re conditioned to disconnect from...
Shelley Klammer
4 min read

3 Steps To Healing Depression
The symptom of depression represents the return of a neglected self.
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

Regulate Your Nervous System With Solfeggio Frequencies
The meditational videos in this article have the Solfeggio frequencies embedded into music.
Shelley Klammer
7 min read

Fear of Emotional Vulnerability
There are reasons why you might fear emotional vulnerability. Perhaps you have experienced rejection, betrayal or hurt in the past. Or,...
Shelley Klammer
5 min read

Is Depth Therapy Right For You?
Facilitating Your Self-Discovery ​Depth psychotherapy, as I offer it, emphasizes facilitating your self-discovery. Through a dedication...
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

Inner Child Affirmations
Your inner child is your most authentic self. Perhaps you can remember moments when you were a child - when you were open and loving,...
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

Free Association In Therapy
Free Flow Talking In a free association therapy session, you can freely speak your thoughts without embarrassment. You are encouraged not...
Shelley Klammer
1 min read

Therapy for Healing Depression
Psychotherapy, as I practice it, places a large emphasis on facilitating your self-discovery. It involves us getting to know the...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Your Heroine's Journey
As you grow beyond your familial conditioning into your unique vitality, it is helpful to be aware of the mythical path that underpins...
Shelley Klammer
10 min read

Healing Depression With Gratitude
Gratitude Practice for Healing Depression Painful emotions, if you "practice" them over time, will weaken your will to attain higher...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Intimate Relationship Checkup
Dr. John Gottman discerned seven components of healthy relationships, and it is helpful to contemplate them to see if you are improving...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

What is Focusing Psychotherapy?
Inner Relationship Focusing Inner Relationship Focusing is a version of Focusing psychotherapy developed by Barbara McGavin and Ann...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

How to Heal Chronic Negativity
A negativity bias is the notion that even when of equal intensity, things of a more negative nature (e.g. unpleasant thoughts, emotions,...
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

How to Heal Your Inner Child
The Adult Inner Child Many of us live primarily from our inner child psychology. As you go about your adult life, some of your life...
Shelley Klammer
4 min read
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