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Six Stages of Healing Core Wounds
Typically, the healing of a core wound starts with a problem in your relationships, work, or family.
Shelley Klammer
5 min read

Is Depth Therapy Right For You?
Facilitating Your Self-Discovery ​Depth psychotherapy, as I offer it, emphasizes facilitating your self-discovery. Through a dedication...
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

Free Association In Therapy
Free Flow Talking In a free association therapy session, you can freely speak your thoughts without embarrassment. You are encouraged not...
Shelley Klammer
1 min read

Therapy for Healing Depression
Psychotherapy, as I practice it, places a large emphasis on facilitating your self-discovery. It involves us getting to know the...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

What is Focusing Psychotherapy?
Inner Relationship Focusing Inner Relationship Focusing is a version of Focusing psychotherapy developed by Barbara McGavin and Ann...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Sensing Into Your Growth Edge
Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud originally described the conscious mind, which consists of all the thoughts that you are aware of, as the tip...
Shelley Klammer
5 min read

Inner Child Therapy Meditation
This is a sample lesson from my Inner Child Therapy Course Compassion for Your Inner Child "The cry we hear from deep in our hearts comes...
Shelley Klammer
8 min read

Focusing Journal Process
Focusing is a path of self-inquiry that welcomes nuanced experiences that we often overlook. We gently bring awareness into our bodies,...
Shelley Klammer
5 min read

Cultivating Your Depth of Awareness
To enrich your depth of awareness, I encourage you to track your inner life between your therapy sessions by keeping daily notes that...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

How to Heal Core Wounds From Childhood
The Root of Core Pain - "I am suffering and separate from love because..." Often without knowing it, each of us has such devastating...
Shelley Klammer
11 min read

What is the Golden Shadow?
Your Brightest Self When you consider your shadow you might think that it contains only the socially shamed aspects of yourself that you...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

What is the Unconscious Mind?
You likely think that you are the primary personality that you present to the world. This is why it can feel challenging to access your...
Shelley Klammer
5 min read

How to Keep a Daily Depth Journal
Seeing the Deeper Nuances of Your Day Keeping a daily log of the inner and outer movements of your life can be a profoundly deepening...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

What is the Shadow?
For the first half of our lives (and for many, into the second half of life), we build up an idealized false self, and whatever we do not...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

The Healing Power of Unconditional Consciousness
The Bridging of Two Inner Worlds To be human is to be vulnerable in your humanness and indestructible in your spirit at the same time. In...
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

A Short Film on Depth Psychology
In therapy consults, people sometimes ask, "What is depth therapy?" This short film shares how we suffer when we are not true to our...
Shelley Klammer
1 min read

Preparing for Your Therapy Consult
When you do your psychological and emotional work in isolation, it can be challenging to see yourself clearly. Seeking support in...
Shelley Klammer
1 min read

What is Depth Therapy?
In this article, I detail how I deliver my therapy services so that you can get a good sense of what a therapeutic relationship with me...
Shelley Klammer
4 min read

Depth Therapy Explained
Depth therapy theorizes that the human psyche is partially conscious and partially unconscious. Numerous neuroscientists have concluded...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Therapy Packages
It always takes a bit of time to move through the initial resistance to therapy. For this reason, I offer a three-session start-up...
Shelley Klammer
4 min read
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