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Working With Emotional Triggers
The Activated Emotional Pain Body According to spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, the pain body is a mass of accumulated negative energy...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Healing Internalized Misogyny
"Because being female places us in a position of less power in our historically patriarchal world, we’re conditioned to disconnect from...
Shelley Klammer
4 min read

3 Steps To Healing Depression
The symptom of depression represents the return of a neglected self.
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

Therapy for Healing Depression
Psychotherapy, as I practice it, places a large emphasis on facilitating your self-discovery. It involves us getting to know the...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Healing Depression With Gratitude
Gratitude Practice for Healing Depression Painful emotions, if you "practice" them over time, will weaken your will to attain higher...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

How to Heal Chronic Negativity
A negativity bias is the notion that even when of equal intensity, things of a more negative nature (e.g. unpleasant thoughts, emotions,...
Shelley Klammer
3 min read

How to Heal Core Wounds From Childhood
The Root of Core Pain - "I am suffering and separate from love because..." Often without knowing it, each of us has such devastating...
Shelley Klammer
11 min read

Finding "Right Distance" from Emotional Overwhelm
Most people either suppress their emotions or become completely overwhelmed by them. It is possible, however, to turn towards your...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

What is the Shadow?
For the first half of our lives (and for many, into the second half of life), we build up an idealized false self, and whatever we do not...
Shelley Klammer
2 min read

Self-Compassion Meditation
It is common to want to get rid of our pain instead of turning toward it with self-compassion. How do we care for the younger, hurting...
Shelley Klammer
3 min read
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