FOCUSING Hypnotherapy
Focusing Hypnotherapy, as I offer it, is different from traditional hypnotherapy. You could think of this unique modality as a depth-oriented, calming, guided interactive meditation with your eyes closed, helping you access and stay in contact with your right holistic brain and emotional body to discover how you need to heal and grow forward.
I can help you slow down your brainwaves and suspend your critical and analytical thinking mind so that you can access your emotional subconscious mind at a pace that is just right for your nervous system. This profound emotional self-connection is most available in a calm theta brainwave state and is enhanced by my gentle accompaniment and suggestions.
Focusing Hypnotherapy inducts the psychological and physiological phenomena of receptivity to how your emotional body honestly feels. It will help you let your intellectual mind take a break for a while. It is a hybrid between Focusing Psychotherapy, which invites you to sense into your body's emotional growth edge, and Hypnotherapy, which will enable you to slow down your body and brain to enter a more creative state.

Counselling & Hypnotherapy
I'm a licensed and insured member of the Association of Cooperative Counsellors of Canada (ACCT) as a Masters level counsellor (MTC)
I'm a certified Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist as a (C.Hyp)
Expressive Arts
I'm a Registered Consultant and Educator with the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. (REACE)
Visit for more information and courses.